Autobio Mission Statement


Cubism Self-Portrait

                                        Auto Biography


Hi! I'm Bailey and welcome to my blogger, right now I am in high school. When I grow up I either want to be a teacher or a therapist. I want to be a teacher because I love kids and teaching new things to people. if I were to be a therapist I would want to because I love to help people get through things and give them good advice. I play tennis on the JV team at my high school. Tennis is super fun and I advise if you are trying to find a sport at your high school, you should do tennis because it is super fun and some what easy. Right now I am also in photography class with my two best friends, Emily and Will.
When I was four my parents divorced, they say that they were too young. After they divorced my dad moved out and went to Virginia to live with his mom and me and my mom moved out of that same house and went to my grandparents. Throughout the time period of the ages of between four and seven, me and my mom moved a lot and would stay at her friends houses for months at a time. But, to me, this shouldn't be a sad story and it doesn't make me feel bad for myself. It only made me stronger! I love my mom and dad dearly and never will end that love.
Some more on myself is that I love to watch movies, listen to music, play tennis, hangout with friends, and do adventurous things! My favorite genres of movies are: Mystery, Scary, Thrillers, Action, and Funny movies. My favorite kinds of music are: Rap, some Pop, and Rock. I'm a pretty much crazy girl overall, I'm not perfect and don't wish to be, outgoing, and weird for forever. I think that what makes me, me, is that I'm different, I don't want to be like anyone else, I don't care if I'm popular or not, I just want to be me and there's nothing wrong with that. A couple crazy facts are that, I love cats, spaghetti, animals as a whole, well except for spiders, art is amazing to me, I like to think of things in my own perspective and make people feel good.



Artist Mission Statement

Art is a very dynamic thing and is very powerful. It expresses peoples feelings without any communication. Art also includes entertainment like things such as, movies, music, pictures, and drawings/paintings. It is what makes you who you are, it is distraction from ongoing pain or economic issues. Art is like birds, it is free. Without freedom of speech then art would not exist because art is used to speak but in an indirect way. I love art and taking pictures of important things to me! It's amazing!

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